Imagine spending your honeymoon hiking to waterfalls, visiting hot springs, taking awesome yoga classes and at the spa. For all that and more check out the Jungle Bay Resort and Spa in naturally stunning Dominica!
Jungle Bay Resort & Spa offers plenty of on-site activities and facilities. The property is located on 55 acres of lush tropical Jungle ready to be explored.
Jungle Bay's Mission is to enhance the natural environment and improve the livelihood of surrounding communities so that the region is improved in a sustainable way, while providing quality, comfortable nature-based experiences for their guests. Jungle Bay Resort & Spa was built and is operated in alignment with international sustainable tourism guidelines. As an alternative to traditional Caribbean tourism, the focus is on enjoyable nature-based activities and wellness of guests with quality service, guided by the principles as set by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES): TIES defines ecotourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people."
There are some different choices for you to green your honeymoon. Choose to stay in a green hotel that is supporting the local community or having corporate social responsibility.
Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts's key brand value is Corporate Social Responsibility. It integrates green practices into both the physical and communal environment in countries where the resorts are located. Check out the website and find your honeymoon destination.